About Me

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I am a young onset Parkinson's patient. Freezing of gait is my worst symptom , my world was becoming smaller because I was afraid of venturing out. I fell so much that my knees were constantly swollen and bruised. I didn't want to go through brain surgery (DBS) and my meds didn't help so I needed a solution and began my serach for ways to walk without freezing.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

How my brain thinks about walking.

I have made some observations and realised that one of the main contributions to Freezing of Gait (apart from the lack of dopamine) has to do with how the mind thinks about walking. I have observed that my  brain seems to operate on two modes. The first mode which I will refer to as the “normal” mode. In this mode,  the brain uses a pathway which is a combination of voluntary and involuntary to signal the feet. The mind is on normal mode when we are relaxed and calm.

The second mode is a “flight mode”, where the brain completely relies on the involuntary part to control leg movements.  The mind goes into this mode whenever we sense danger or panic or reacting to situation which requires quick response.  It is usually a seamless transition  but because Pwp do not have involuntary control of their feet, problems occur. When it goes into this mode, the mind completely loses it’s connection with the feet  and therefore freezing occurs. What happens is I lose the feelings of my legs. That is why I freeze when I see a car coming, or when I hear a loud noise or when I crossing roads where cars are waiting for me to cross.  All these situations  cause me to panic and  my mind responds by switching into flight mode to get me out quickly. Instead of getting out quickly … I am unable to move.

Once the mind gets into flight mode it is quite hard to get it back into normal mode. I need to stop everything  I am doing and try to calm myself down. Take deep breaths and try to relax. Sometimes it takes a minute to calm down.

So it is better to prevent the mind from switching into flight mode than trying to calm myself down after it has gone into flight mode.  To prevent this from happening I do a number of things:

      a.       Try to keep calm at all times
      b.      Try not rush to get somewhere
      c.       Give myself plenty of time by planning ahead
      d.      If I feel a panic attack coming on, slow down my  walking instead of wanting to rush (it’s the opposite reaction so need to train myself to do this). Take deep breaths as I walk. Helps calm things down.
      e.      As long as I keep myself calm and relaxed I can walk anywhere without freezing.

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