About Me

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I am a young onset Parkinson's patient. Freezing of gait is my worst symptom , my world was becoming smaller because I was afraid of venturing out. I fell so much that my knees were constantly swollen and bruised. I didn't want to go through brain surgery (DBS) and my meds didn't help so I needed a solution and began my serach for ways to walk without freezing.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

The Tai Chi Step.

This step  which I call the tai chi  step is another useful way to move forward. Often used in martial arts this is a very stable way of moving your feet forward.

1. rest your body weight on one foot and keeping balance on ths foot
2. using your knee to lift the other foot , gently glide your foot forward in a semicircular arc.

The movement is done slowly and evenly , and balance is always maintained. The trick is in resting your entire weight in one foot. This frees up the other foot to do almost anything. e.g. glide forward, kick etc.


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