About Me

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I am a young onset Parkinson's patient. Freezing of gait is my worst symptom , my world was becoming smaller because I was afraid of venturing out. I fell so much that my knees were constantly swollen and bruised. I didn't want to go through brain surgery (DBS) and my meds didn't help so I needed a solution and began my serach for ways to walk without freezing.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Why lines on the ground break freezes.

It is commonly known that visual cues like lines on the ground help break freezing episodes for pwp.  It also thought that perhaps the reason for this is that visual cues like lines causes the brain to by pass the faulty regions of the brain and causes the brain to use an alternative route to break the freeze. I don’t think  this is the case ,  looking some of the video footages on youtube where pwp use a laser pointer or a line on drawn I have noticed that what happens is really a change in the way pwp take a step.

According to my reasoning a  person freezes because the person cannot  push  their foot off the ground. However when they come across a line on the ground they change the way they take a step. Instead of pushing their foot off the ground, they lift their foot off the ground to step over the line. A pwp does not appear to have problems lifting their foot off the ground,   that’s why stepping over a line helps break the freeze.   It a change in the way they take a step.

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