About Me

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I am a young onset Parkinson's patient. Freezing of gait is my worst symptom , my world was becoming smaller because I was afraid of venturing out. I fell so much that my knees were constantly swollen and bruised. I didn't want to go through brain surgery (DBS) and my meds didn't help so I needed a solution and began my serach for ways to walk without freezing.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

The Moon Walk

The Moon walk is more of dance move than and actual type of walk. It is an illusion created to look like you are trying to walk forward but you are being pulled backwards. The overall effect is of one gliding backwards while walking forward.  It was popularised by Michael Jackson.

Technique (Wikipedia)
"An illusion is involved in creating the appearance of the dancer gliding backwards. Initially, the front foot is held flat on the ground, while the back foot is in a tiptoe position. The flat front foot remains on the ground but is slid lightly and smoothly backward past the tip-toe back foot. What is now the front foot is lowered flat, while the back foot is raised into the tiptoe position. These steps are repeated over and over creating the illusion that the dancer is being pulled backwards by an unseen force while trying to walk forward. Variations of this move allow the moon walking to also appear to glide forwards, sideways, and even in a circle."

When adapted this move can be very useful and helpful  for pwp who have freezing of gait. People with freezing of gait have massive difficulties stepping backwards. The tendency is to lose their balance and fall backwards. For people having problems with FOG I do not recommend stepping  backwards  because it can be very dangerous. But if for any reason at all you need to step backwards this method may help.

How it works.
Slide your foot backwards instead of stepping backwards. This way both your feet are always in contact with the ground thus minimising the chances of losing your balance. If you are trying this remember to keep safe.

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