About Me

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I am a young onset Parkinson's patient. Freezing of gait is my worst symptom , my world was becoming smaller because I was afraid of venturing out. I fell so much that my knees were constantly swollen and bruised. I didn't want to go through brain surgery (DBS) and my meds didn't help so I needed a solution and began my serach for ways to walk without freezing.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

The slow march.

I learnt this while I was at school as part of the school cadets band. It is an interesting march because it looks quite smart but it doesn't get you anywhere quickly. We mostly see it in a bridal procession during  a wedding but most people don't know how to do it correctly thinking that it is just a normal walk only done very slowly. It has a distinct motion to it and when done properly actually has a very nice feel to it.  The military bands perform this march with precision and accuracy making a thing of beauty.  It has two dinstinct steps :

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